Flypay, the mobile technology provider for the hospitality industry, is working with Apple on a project that chief executive Tom Weaver said will be a ‘roadmap of change’ for the sector.

Weaver told M&C Report that the collaboration will focus on allowing operators to capture and utilise huge amounts of data to “create better experiences and solve problems before they happen”.

Flypay is one of a number of companies working with Apple on mobile solutions to “revolutionise the way people work”.

The company will be working with existing clients to develop the technology, with the first product set to come to market in the next quarter.

Weaver told M&C: “There is no bigger company in the world right now and the impact they have had on our everyday lives is dramatic. For a start-up business to get the chance to work with a company like that is incredibly exciting.

“The work we’re doing will allow some of the people we have been working with to do things they have never been able to do before. While part of that is going to be focussing on the customer experience we are also going to be doing a lot of work on transforming what the people who actually run restaurants are able to do.

“The next frontier is all about data. Restaurants are swarming with data but at the times when that information is really crucial to them they have no access to it. That is our challenge. To identify opportunities to personalise an experience for a customer or to deal with a problem right then and there rather than have the customer go on social media and express their displeasure.

“If technology can get out of the way but do things to create better experiences and solve problems before they happen then there are huge opportunities to drive sales.

“We always like to work with our existing clients to develop ideas together so we will be doing that again on this initiative.

“We expect to bring the first product to market focussed in this area within the next quarter. This is the first of a roadmap of change for the industry which we hope to be rolling out.”

Weaver said that while the bulk of the company’s client base is currently in the restaurant sector he would be announcing a major pub client at the Managed Pub Company summit on 23 June.