Moorhouse’s Brewery has reported sales up 8% for September and October and turnover for the period reaching close to £1m.

Throughout the two months sales hit 1m pints (3,472 barrels) and turnover grew to £930,000 with Blond Witch its best-selling beer and the seasonal White Witch the fastest growing brand. Sales were also boosted by the inaugural roll out of Black Cat Reserve special, which went on sale across Wetherspoons estate in October.

The company has seen year-on-year since it launched a £4.2m complex in 2011. In the past financial year turnover topped £5m as the beers reached new outlets across the UK. 

Managing directo David Grant said: “Our consistent growth is a welcome reward for our investment in the future of cask ale. Nevertheless, trading is still very tough as we face up to the much troubled economic climate, many pubs closing each week and the relentlessly growing army of micro-brewers all clawing for room on fewer bars.

“However we remain optimistic. September showed excellent trading, enhanced by the late summer weather. And, as publicans increasingly see us as the brewer of choice for the witching season, we were really delighted with our Halloween results.

“As our award winning beers increasingly beguile cask fans across the South East, we were rewarded with exposure in premier London pubs, such as the Porterhouse in Covent Garden. For November –always a tricky trading month for pubs - our sales also held up extremely well.

“It is too early to say how Christmas will go, but we expect our new national business to pay dividends. Meanwhile, we will continue to nurture the free trade business with excellent service in our northern heartland - we have five festive beers on offer.”

Last December Moorhouse’s sold 500,000 festive pints in an uplift of 8% on sales for 2012, with growth of 55% for seasonal cask specials and 35% for its bottle ran
