On-trade supplier Matthew Clark celebrated its most successful month ever in December, with sales breaking £100m.

The company said a strong performance in its premium wine portfolio and the success of its online ordering platform, with sales up 45% year-on-year, had boosted sales.

Across the board wine sales grew by 3% in December with the sparkling category up 20%, Prosecco seeing a 43% boost and Champagne sales up 7%. Wine sales to boutique hotels rose 24% while Champagne sales to the ‘quality local’ sector were up 37.8%.

Among the categories which have contributed to Matthew Clark’s success are Argentina which grew by 18%, and England, which grew by 58%.

 Sales in the capital enjoyed double digit growth in December, with Matthew Clark’s accounts within the M25 showing 13.3% growth year-on-year, three times that of the wider market at 4.4%.  

Ian Smith, commercial director at Matthew Clark, said: “We are delighted with our Christmas results, which reflect Matthew Clark’s ongoing commitment in supporting the on-trade and delivering quality and exceptional service to all our customers. Our dedication to developing our online ordering platform in line with customer needs is reflected in the very pleasing sales figures through this channel. Our wine-buying team works hard to source high quality wines from around the world, which is reflected in our successes with both premium wines and customer segments.”
