Online craft beer retailer, Ales by Mail, has announced it is scrapping postage costs to the UK mainland.

The group insisted the move would be a a “game changer” for the UK’s beer home delivery market, in an increasingly competitive market.

Managing director, Paul Kruzycki, said: “Alongside the rise of craft brewers, there are more and more online retailers looking to cash-in on the Craft Beer boom, but with varying success. Broadly, there are two types of player in the market, those who offer a pick and mix range and concentrate on long-tem customer loyalty like us, and those offering a subscription model. The latter cannot offer the option of free shipping as their margins are tiny. This second part of the sector also has what we refer to as ‘Churn and Burn beer clubs’ who will come and go, doing consumers, brewers and the sector no long term good at all.

“The part of the market we’ve pioneered, is for the more serious Craft Beer fan seeking to source beers from the UK and around the world, it’s this market that our latest move to remove postage costs, will completely disrupt.”

He added: “Whilst it’s likely that competitors might follow suit, I’m confident that our organisation, will maintain the post free element without having to ramp-up the cost of the products.”
