Giraffe will open its first site at a Tesco store and the 50th for the brand in total next to the supermarket chain’s Extra store in Watford, M&C Report has learnt. The site on the town’s Lower High Street will open later this spring and is the first of 10 the group plans to open in and around Tesco stores within the next few years following its £48.5m acquisition by the supermarket giant. It is thought that the group plans to quickly open the 10 sites in and around Tesco stores, and that a figure of over 150 sites could be opened in four to five years. Giraffe founder Russel Joffe, who is continuing as managing director of the brand, told M&C Report at the time of the deal that different options were being looked at, including standalone sites on the supermarket group’s larger car parks and outlets within Tesco stores, particularly in larger London premises. He said: “We are looking at a number of styles. Once we’ve done five or six we will look at how they are working. There will be expansion elsewhere, with Giraffe looking to open “five or six” sites away from Tesco stores this year.