Positive trading in the UK helped McDonalds report a 2% rise in comparable sales across Europe in May.

System-wide sales in Europe grew 5.1% last month. The company said: “Europe’s May comparable sales rose 2% driven primarily by positive results in the UK and, to a lesser extent, Russia as both markets added popular summertime promotions featuring premium burgers and specialty menu options.

“Negative performance in Germany and France dampened the segment’s results. Across the segment, McDonald’s Europe is focused on enhancing its value and breakfast offerings to strengthen the brand’s relevance to customers.”

McDonald’s added: “During May, US comparable sales rose 2.4% led by breakfast, McDonald’s wide range of chicken options and the ongoing appeal of everyday value. The introduction of the new Egg White Delight sandwich and the recently launched Premium McWraps demonstrated the US’s ongoing focus on strategically expanding its established menu categories of chicken, beef, breakfast and beverages.”

Comparable sales in Asia/Pacific, Middle East and Africa increased by 0.9%. Global systemwide sales for the month increased 3.6%, or 5.2% in constant currencies.

Year to date comparable sales are down 0.8% in Europe, 0.1% in the US and +2.4% in APMEA.

Chief executive Don Thompson said: “McDonald’s strategic initiatives and diligent focus on the customer generated global comparable sales growth in May amidst ongoing uncertainty in the macro environment. Our system is aligned behind providing great service to the 69 million customers who visit us daily. 

“We are confident in our strategies and competitive advantages and will continue executing our customer-centric ‘Plan to Win’ to build market share and drive sustained profitable growth.”