Tasty, the listed restaurant company, is planning 30 openings over the next 18 months, across its Wildwood and Wildwood Kitchen brands, M&C understands.

The group, which currently operates 42 sites in total, has lined up openings for its core 25-strong Wildwood brand in Abingdon, Brentwood and Lincoln.

Earlier this year, chairman Keith Lassman said: “The rate of development will accelerate in the medium term. Openings in the coming 12 months will expand the UK geographical footprint of the estate.”

The group is understood to have lined up openings at 1-3 Abbey Shopping Centre, Abingdon and The Mall in Upper High Street in Lincoln.

It currently operates 25 sites under the Wildwood brand, after recently opening a site at the Royal William Yard in Plymouth and in Taunton.

It also operates nine sites under its Wildwood Kitchen brand after recently opening in Worcester.

The company also has six Dim T restaurants and two Relish Burger units. It will open its first Dim T in a number of years next month at the Whiteley Shopping Centre in Fareham.

The group opened seven new restaurants in its last financial year.