Phil Thorley, operations director at Thorley Taverns, has told M&C Report that the Kent-based pub, restaurant and hotel group, is poised for growth again.

He said results for the year to 30 June 2014, which saw the group’s pre-tax profit rise to £409,911, from £108,919 the year before, were a solid basis from which to target expansion.

He said: “We always have our radar up but we certainly see 2015 as a year where we have our ducks in a row and we can look to grow the business.

“Our like-for-likes coming into January are pleasing. We’re looking at growth in the single digits – not at the higher end but a good solid set of results.

“We had a very strong Christmas and December in general was above expectations for us.

Turnover for the last financial year was £11,533,463 compared to £11,511,218 in the year prior.

The company said that while turnover and gross profit had continued at similar levels to the previous year, reductions in overheads and the reversal of impairment charges on property values had resulted in an increase in operating profit from £198,986 to £484,786.