Punch Partnerships, the tenanted and leased division of Punch Taverns, has launched a new buying agreement, which will give licensees the freedom to sell any local cask ale they choose on a “buy one, get one free of tie” basis. Under the terms of the new agreement, licensees now have the option to stock Progressive Beer Duty beers from any local brewery or supplier of their choosing for every cask ale order placed, Licensees will also be able to purchase a wide selection of PBD beers online at competitive prices via the Punch Buying Club website. Roger Whiteside, Punch Partnerships’ managing director said: “We’ve responded to increasing demand from our licensees for greater freedom to supply the beers that their customers want. “If there is significant demand from licensees for a specific/particular PBD beer then we will stock and supply it at free of tie pricing. This is part of our commitment to offer best value and we are confident that our licensees will be surprised by the competitiveness of our prices.” Punch licensees are already able access up to 150 different beers through the company’s ‘Finest Cask’ scheme and the new Buying Club Agreement, which went live on 10 February. This allows them to add local beers free-of-tie and are not restricted to just one guest ale. Over 800 Punch licensees are currently taking part in the Finest Cask scheme, which focuses on key seasonal themes such as rugby and football beers, Easter and summer beers, Halloween and the Royal Wedding and numbers are growing. Whiteside said: “There’s been an explosion of microbreweries in the UK over the last 18 months and the new agreement will give smaller brewers a positive route to market. It will also give pubs real flexibility to enhance the local feel of their real ale offer, which in turn should drive trade. "We’re really proud of this aspect of the Buying Club Lease agreement; it reinforces our commitment to be the best value and most trusted pub partnership business and to adapt and change our business to meet licensees’ needs.”