Lancashire brewer and pub operator Moorhouse’s has joined forces with Burnley FC to host a series of beer festivals.

The events will see a range of Pendle Witches cask-conditioned ales available to fans at home games. Brews include Premier Bitter, which has been rebadged in the club’s claret and blue colours. Other brands available will be regular brews White Witch and Pride of Pendle along with the blended special Claret’s Best. The festivals also feature live bands and player appearances.

Moorhouse’s managing director David Grant said: “We are delighted to support the Clarets as they go up against top UK clubs.  With our new brewery we have also been promoted into a premier league of regional brewers, so it seemed a logical tie.

“The first festival was such a success the beers quickly sold out and the club doubled its order. These events give us a great platform to showcase our award winning beers and a rare chance for supporters to enjoy quality cask ales along with quality football. This demonstrates that cask will sell well at sports grounds. I believe only a couple of Premiership clubs sell cask ale, with most dominated by big keg brands. So once again Moorhouse’s – together with Burnley FC – are among the pioneers in the growing cask ale market.”

Burnley FC catering manager Chris Gibson said: The Fanzone and Beer Festival is a great opportunity for two of Burnley’s best known names to work together. We hope our fans will come to see this area as part of the match-day experience and help us celebrate the premier status of both the Football Club and Moorhouse’s Brewery.”