Kurnia Group, the Lincolnshire multiple operator headed by Michael Kheng, has sold its last remaining venue as Kheng moves to concentrate on his consultancy business. The company has sold the Cloud Bar in Lincoln to local multi-site operator Christopher Regan, who runs the city’s Ye Olde Crowne Inn and also the Broadstone Bar in Retford. Kheng will now concentrate on Kurnia Licensing Consultancy. “Although we are no longer retailing my company still retains the freehold of some pubs within our property portfolio so I guess we are still involved in a small way in retailing as I need to make sure our tenants in the sector are supported,” said Kheng. “My time is being taken up more and more dealing with licensing issues around the country and I found I had less time to commit to the retail side of the company.It will be sad in a way not to be retailing but life moves on and you have do what you enjoy doing. I have over 400 clients over England which certainly keeps me busy.” Regan said his long-term goal is to create a group of pubs and bars that are different, unique and fresh for the industry. “I have no major plans to change the Cloud Bar at this stage,” he said. “I love the venue and the style fits well within our model. Once we have been trading there a while we will see if feel any changes are needed and if so then we shall look at implementing them in 2013.”
