JW Lees has launched a 10-point pledge to help bolster its relationship with its tenants and bring about a “cultural shift” at the company,writes Ewan Turney. An independent survey of its 142 tenants, which received a 64% response rate, showed that 83% of tenants were happy with their area manager and 61% said they would definitely renew their agreement — against a family brewer average of 55%. JW Lees currently has one of the lowest area manager to pubs ratio in the sector with the highest in its estate being one to 35. However, the Manchester-based brewer and operator has moved decisively to deal with concerns raised over a slow response from Head Office, insufficient marketing support, inconsistent beer quality and high wholesale prices. “We felt we had a good relationship with our tenants — it is the bedrock of our business,” said director of pub operations Mark Welch. “But we didn’t want to be complacent.” Welch said the improvements were two tier with some “quick and easy wins” such as a discount scheme on beer while others required a “cultural shift”, which would take longer. One of the major areas of development will be a new customer services team who deal across all departments, which should be in place by the end of the year. The brewer has pledged to spend over £1m on its tenanted estate this year and has introduced a work satisfaction scheme to help gauge success of investments. “We have really taken this to heart and hope it will improve our tenants business,” said Welch. The survey will be repeated in the autumn to monitor progress. JW Lees Tenants’ Pledges: 1. Draught pricing: Tenants can earn £100 discount per barrel sold over agreed targets. 2. Packaged drinks promotions: Exclusive offers to tenants detailed in a new newsletter “Insider”, which will also highlight point of sale material available. 3. Tenant Support: The JW Lees website will include a tenant’s portal with access to a wide range of marketing and HR material. 4. Starter pack: From April 2011 all new tenants will receive a “Tenant’s Starter” pack. 5. Communication: Guaranteed monthly business review meeting with area manager. 6. Training: Regular and relevant subsidised training will be provided for all tenants. 7. Technical services: A Pub Support team to answer calls to help increase calls answered. 8. Beer Quality: JW Lees will strive to achieve an ullage return percentage of below 0.7%. 9. Pub Support: JW Lees will introduce a “Pub Support — Repair Procedure” and auditing the works carried out by the contractors. It is planning to invest over £1m on its tenanted estate. 10. Head Office: Customer Service team to be introduced.