SA Brain, the Cardiff-based brewer and leisure operator, has announced a company restructure that will see the abolition of a separate sales and marketing division and the departure of sales and marketing director Richard Davies.

The sales and marketing functions will be incorporated into a new commercial division, which will include brewery operations and sales. A new head of marketing role will be created, reporting directly to the chief executive.

A retail division will include all Brains’ managed and tenanted pubs, plus restaurants, hotels and its coffee chain Coffee#1.

Finally, a reconfigured finance and business process division will manage all support processes across the company.

Scott Waddington, Brains chief executive, said: “It is important that we develop a structure and processes that support and meet the needs of the retail team as they focus on improving the experiences for our customers. We will have in place the most efficient and effective structure to take the business forward over the coming years.”

Davies joined the business in 2004 and most recently was involved in the launch and development of the Brains Craft Brewery.

Brains chairman John Rhys said: “On behalf of the board, I would like to thank Richard for his very valuable contribution over the past nine years. I wish him every future success.”

Davies said: “I have had a great nine years with the business and am very proud of what I have achieved in that time. However, it’s now right for me to pursue other opportunities and I’d like to wish the business every success with its future plans. I would like to thank customers, suppliers and the team that I have worked with during my time at Brains and to wish them every future success.”