Nathan Rivers, the founder of Kent-based pub operator Big10, has told M&C Report he is in negotiations for his third site and is considering funding options for future growth.

Rivers, formerly head of development at Le Pain Quotidien, said he was hoping to secure a site in Canterbury which would be aimed at the local student market and would have an emphasis on food and coffee.

He said: “I have been working with Canterbury College and I think there is a chance to create something really cool and bring coffee to a younger generation. We will probably do that in partnership with Miko Coffee.”

Rivers, who already operates the Hop Pocket in Bossingham and the Abbot’s Fireside Hotel in Canterbury, said he plans to open two sites a year until he reaches his target of ten outlets.

He said: “I have had a few approaches regarding funding but so far I have pushed that away. However, the reality is that to grow at the rate I want to I will need to have those conversations. I would expect there to be a dialogue later this year and that might even fast track our growth.”