An awareness day for stem cell and bone marrow has been launched to mark the first anniversary of Margot Martini, the young daughter of industry figure Yaser Martini, being diagnosed with leukaemia.

The day is designed to promote awareness around the need for more potential stem cell donors to join the UK and worldwide registries, particularly among people of mixed race, which are under-represented.

Yaser Martini said: “Team Margot is committed to raising global awareness around the need for more stem cell donor recruits, hence the launch of this annual international awareness day to help promote greater understanding and to encourage more people to register as potential stem cell/bone marrow donors.”

Margot’s mother, Vicki, added: “You can save a life. And even if you don’t, you can still gift someone more time with their family & loved ones. We are asking people to do something amazing: register as a stem cell donor. If you’re ineligible to or already have, then please encourage Just One More person to do the same.”

Yaser added: “We wish to again thank everyone for their fantastic support and especially those who have cared for Margot over the last year and who continue to look after her – we are so grateful for the service provided by the NHS, in particular at both Great Ormond Street & Kingston Hospitals.”

The inaugural Team Margot Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Awareness Day will be on 7 October 2015.
