Michael Holmes, seen as one of the main architects of Tesco’s move into the eating-out market, including the acquisition of Giraffe, has left the company placing doubt on the future of the retailer’s restaurant and café offer. Holmes took up the role as chief executive of new food experiences in 2012, after spend five years as group corporate finance director.

He oversaw the acquisition of Giraffe, plus investments in Harris + Hoole, Euphorium Bakery, Fred’s Food Construction and the development of its in-store Decks restaurant format.

He was also responsible for hiring former M&B chief executive Adam Fowle to oversee the newly formed Tesco Family Dining arm, which led to a number of the former managed pub operator’s employees joining the retailer’s eating-out brands.

Tesco’s move into the eating-out sector was part of the group’s aim of reddressing falling sales in its bigger sites, making them “destinations” in the words of former company chief executive Philip Clarke.
