More than half of under-age drinkers are given the alcohol by their parents, according to research conducted for the Department of Schools, Families and Children. The study found that only 17% said they drank at pub while under-age - and 11% revealed they drank at a club or a disco. It said that children who have parents who drink heavily are more likely to do so themselves. Also, when asked about their behaviour over the past week just over one in seven of young people claimed to have had a drink and 9% of the 4,000 adults and children questioned said they drink at least once a week. The publication of the research coincided with a government announcement about plans to tackle under-age drinking including extra police powers, a new best practice guide and a national football tournament. Vernon Coaker, schools minister said: “Today’s research shows that parents underestimate their influence over their child’s drinking and attitudes to alcohol, yet a quarter of young people have never spoken to their parents about the issue. "That’s why through the ‘Why Let Drink Decide?’ campaign we are giving parents and young people the confidence to have open conversations about alcohol, to ultimately delay the age at which young people start drinking. “A very small minority let their drinking get out of control and this can lead to anti-social behaviour and problems in communities. We have given the police all the powers they need to crackdown on young people drinking alcohol. "In the last six months of 2009 alone over 6,000 litres of alcohol were confiscated from young people in our Youth Crime Action Plan areas as part of the Government’s crackdown. We are determined to do all we can to prevent alcohol ruining the lives of children, young people and their families.” Chris Sorek, head of the alcohol awareness charity Drinkaware, said: “Children need to know the facts about alcohol and often parents are in the best position to give it to them.” Earlier this week M&C Report revealed hos the government had launched the second phase of its Why Let Drink Decide Campaign.