Three top Scottish & Newcastle Pub Company (S&NPC) executives including managing director Willie Crawshay are to leave the firm on 15 April, parent company Heineken UK has confirmed. It follows S&NPC’s move last November to give up management contracts at 207 pubs that were formerly part of Robert Tchenguiz’s R20 investment vehicle. Other executives to leave on that date are operations director Kim Francis and Calum Macintyre, finance director. Crawshay joined Scottish & Newcastle in 1985 and became a member of the UK senior management team in 2003. Heineken UK managing director Stefan Orlowski said: “On behalf of Heineken UK, I would like to thank Willie, Kim and Calum for their expertise and leadership over their respective careers with us, and in particular the work they put into planning and implementing the recent reorganisation of S&NPC. “They are widely respected, and I am confident that all three will continue to make a positive impact in any new roles.”
