The West End Commission has called for a business-led approached to aid the future development of the London area, an overarching place-based strategy around the marketing and promotion of the West End and a formal role for London boroughs in the commissioning of training and skills provision. It said that the level of complexity witnessed across the West End demands a sophisticated business-led approach, which embraces the different needs of large and small businesses, recognise the different requirements of international and domestic businesses, and support specific needs across a range of distinctive sectors. It said: “A one-size-fits-all approach to business expansion will not respond to the needs of all businesses. A new policy must also evaluate the different skill demands of businesses, how labour market productivity can be strengthened throughout the city-wide area, the need to drive digital technology and access, and generally how businesses, large and small, can flourish and continue to contribute to the character and diversity of the West End.” The West End attracts over 200 million visitors a year. However, the Commission states there is no overarching place-based strategy around the marketing and promotion of the West End, although there is a West End Marketing Alliance which was established specifically to improve the co-ordination of messaging. The Commission believes that London and Partners should establish a unit with a particular focus on the promotion of the West End. He said: “We also believe a single co-ordinating focus should be established, under the auspices of the new West End partnership, for the marketing and promotion of the West End to visitors and investors, drawing together priorities and skills from across partners and linking up public investment to generate maximum value. This vehicle should be led by a marketing expert and be in a position to form a coherent and effective partnership with London and Partners.”
