Subway UK anticipates it has the capacity to reach 3000 UK stores by 2020 by focusing on non-traditional locations and could double its current UK estate of c.2,000, according to Greg Madigan head of brand at Subway.

Speaking at the Food on the Go conference, Madigan said non-traditional locations are the biggest growth area with 440 stores currently situated in universities, military bases and forecourts.

“Our big focus for 2015 is hospitals which have previously been off limits but with healthy focus and a low-fat menu we have some really exciting prospects opening up.”

Madigan said Subway is continuing to work in non-traditional spaces and plans to open more sites in 2015 than 2014 to increase the choice for consumers in terms of locations. This will equate to an average opening rate of five stores each week.

“We have very deliberately adopted the model of a greater number of smaller footprint sites rather than fewer larger stores,” Madigan said. “It’s all about giving the consumers choice so really they will decide how many stores we will have.”

Meanwhile, it will renew its efforts to increase trade over different parts of the day after an initial effort in 2012 to boost breakfast sales. Madigan said: “It’s an emerging day part for us and we continue to build that over the next couple of years.”

He added that although coffee is currently not a major component of the business, Subway is hoping to make it much more important.

The number one selling item in 2014 was the chicken teriyaki sandwich from Subway’s low-fat range which, along with its fat and salt reduction pledges, is part of the group’s effort to assist customers to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.