The co-founder of fast-food concept Hot Chip has told M&C Report he is seeking “an industry expert” to help him expand nationally.

Hugh Crossley, Lord Somerleyton, is also seeking £250,000 of investment through crowdfunding to roll out the concept which is based around putting chips, cooked in rapeseed oil, at the centre of the menu.  

The concept is based around two strands – a kiosk with minimal seating which offers takeaway and the Hot Chip Saloon – a bar with the same menu as the kiosk.

Hot Chip currently operates one kiosk in Norwich and is close to securing a site for the first Saloon in the city.

Crossley said he hopes to expand both offers but that he sees the kiosk having the most potential.

He said: “The saloon is probably going to net us more money because obviously people will be sticking around longer and we will have both revenue streams. But the kiosk is something that I can see having multiple sites in one area.”

Crossley said that after being inspired by seafront traders in Great Yarmouth he had done a lot of research into chip offers around the world.

He said: “In this country we very much have this view of the chip as an accompaniment and we’re quite conservative about what we have with it, whereas in many places it is seen as the base of a dish – much like pizza is a base for various toppings.

“We were really pleased how people responded to it. From selling about 50% cheesy chips we have seen people become progressively more adventurous.”