Yo Yo Noodle, the Lincoln-based Chinese food chain, hopes to expand from four to around 20 sites in the UK by the middle of next year, chief executive Jadey Li has told M&C Report.

She said a further four sites are in development are set to open over the next few months in London, Manchester, Doncaster and Sheffield.

“After that we have around 18 to 20 franchisees signed up and we will be developing sites with them over the next couple of months,” Li said.

“We expect to have around 20 [sites] by the middle of next year.”

Yo Yo Noodle currently operates in Nottingham, Newcastle, Croydon and Lincoln.

The company is also looking to expand in India via franchise, and is targeting an initial five openings. Yo Yo Noodle is set to invest around £25m over the next five years in opening up to 200 sites across India and has entered a partnership with the Mumabi-based One Network Consulting group.