Thali Café, the fledgling Indian restaurant chain, has received investment from two new shareholders and appointed a brand ambassador and it looks to expand from its Bristol heartland, MCA understands.

The five-strong company, which counts Giraffe managing director Tom Crowley as a director, has secured investment from new shareholders Robert Gillon and Kenya Matsumoto, both of whom are former City trader.

At the same time, Meera Sohda, chef and cookbook author, has joined the company, as its brand ambassador.

Founder Jim Pizer told MCA that the new funding would help the group expand both in and outside Bristol.

He said that the company had recently pulled out of a deal to open in Bath, but was continuing to look for opportunities in that city, plus locations in Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds.

It has continued to tweak the offer at its Southville, which Pizer said he hoped would be the template for future openings.