Sugar Dumplin, the Caribbean barbecue and rum bar concept, has secured a new site in Leeds, MCA has learnt.

Co-founder Norris Panton told MCA the Leeds site is in Trinity Kitchen

“It’s a scheme we know really well, we already have a champagne bar within Trinity Kitchen

Panton told MCA he hoped to have two more sites open by October and was actively scouting Manchester and north London, within the M25.

Sugar Dumplin currently has two sites: in Glasgow’s Princes Square and in Camberley’s Atrium Shopping Centre – which opened in December.

Panton said Caribbean food seemed to be having its renaissance moment.

“Three or four years ago it wasn’t such a thing, but all of a sudden with the obvious growth of people like Turtle Bay and the launch of Levi Roots Caribbean Smokehouse in Westfield, suddenly there appears to be a newish market.

“The funny thing is; I could have done this 10 years ago, but nobody wanted it.”