Italian restaurant group Prezzo has given a cheque for more than £48,000 to the Fight for Life charity.

Prezzo has donated 25p from the sale of every Tropicana pizza served at its restaurants in the past 12 months, to the charity. The company has fundraised for Fight for Life, which supports children with cancer at University College Hospital, London, for the past four years.

Prezzo executive chef Paul Lewis presented the cheque to Fight for Life patron Gary Lineker.

Prezzo chief executive Jonathan Kaye said: “We have supported Fight for Life for the past four years and are delighted that we have been able to raise so much money during that time.

“Our thanks go to our customers across the UK who enjoyed almost 200,000 Tropicana pizzas at our restaurants in the past year, enabling us to hand over a cheque for more than £48,000 to assist Fight for Life with their wonderful work.”