Café Rouge has announced it will provide disabled people, carers and those with access requirements with detailed access guides for their restaurants.

They have teamed up with AccessAble, and have claimed they will be the first major restaurant business to provide this service through its partner company.

The guides will be available via both the both the Café Rouge and AccessAble websites as well as AccessAble’s free iOS and Android Apps.

They will provide information on the facilities available across its estate, ranging from car parking spaces and accessible toilets to hearing loops and lighting levels.

Greg Gibbons, brand director at Café Rouge: “We recognised that three out of four people with access needs will not visit a new place unless they have the confidence that such Guides can bring.

“We’re proud to be the first major restaurant business to take the progressive step of increasing awareness of accessibility across our estate and to be supporting issues faced by millions of people across the UK.”