Brindisa, the Spanish restaurant group, will continue with its “organic” growth, according to co-founder Monika Linton who told M&C Report the current focus is opening the first restaurant in Spain to strengthen links between the suppliers and the restaurant.

In the UK, the group is preparing to open Morada Brindisa Asador in Piccadilly Circus next month as the fifth London restaurant for Brindisa.

The newest site in the estate will serve food cooked over a wood burning stove as well as traditional Spanish stews and “homely” foods, which morada is Spanish for.

Linton said the growth of the restaurant estate has been organic and there has been no “master plan” to grow to a certain size.

“We are just wanting to grow to what feels right and what we can manage,” Linton said. “My intention was always to represent Spanish food and products as well as I could.”

The first Spanish Brindisa - La Volta Brindisa Bar Restaurante – will open close to Barcelona’s famous Boqueria market will open in April under the direction of executive chef Josep Carbonell.

Linton said although the restaurant will have a relationship with the London sites, the menu will focus on the local cuisine relevant to the neighbourhood.

“As you take a business or culture further away from its roots it feels more diluted so taking it back to its roots adds to it for me.”

She said it will provide a learning experience for all Brindisa staff from London to learn more about Spanish food.

As the group grows Linton said each site will be individual to allow chefs to be creative to enhance the offering and the menu. “Opening a chain of restaurants that are identical isn’t that interesting to me. I want to give chefs a chance to express themselves and the more we can allow people and te products to express themselves the better.”