TLC Inns, the multi-site operator led by Steve Haslam and Jo Drain, is to open its seventh site, after acquiring the Boasthouse in Ely, Cambridgeshire, for Cambscuisine, for an undisclosed sum.

The company plans to trade The Boathouse as it is through to the New Year and then in January have a good look at how it can really move the restaurant forward.

Steve Haslam told Ely News: “We see it as good news for The Boathouse, good news for the Riverside and good news for Ely. The moment the opportunity came up to take on The Boathouse we wanted it.

“The restaurant does have a fairly good reputation in the area however, without sounding disrespectful to Cambscuisine, it doesn’t do nearly as much as it needs to do in order to be a viable business.

“We’re not planning to change the name or make major drastic changes but we do feel it needs a slightly different slant, such as making it slightly more casual and enhancing its appeal as a lunchtime venue. Ely’s Riverside is a prime, busy location and we’ve been at The Cutter for seven years now. To be honest, we couldn’t be more pleased with how The Cutter has progressed - it’s been a phenomenal success. We now want to do the same with The Boathouse.”

A spokesman for Cambscuisine said: “It is with a heavy heart that we are selling The Boathouse. We have made this decision to enable us to focus on our other restaurants and to develop further Cambscuisine. We would like to thank everyone for their support over the last eight years.”