Benet Slay, chief executive of Carlsberg UK and British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) board member, has told The All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group (APPBG) that there is a “compelling case” for a further freeze on beer duty in 2014.

Speaking at the APPBG/BBPA Christmas reception, Slay said: “With CAMRA and SIBA we believe there is a compelling case for a further freeze in beer duty in the 2014 Budget: both to help sustain the recovery we are beginning to see in our breweries and equally to take further pressure off our pubs, and to continue to support employment in your constituencies and in a very domestic business.”

He also said there had been much to celebrate in 2013 for the industry and that it felt like a year when “we turned a really important corner”.

He said: “And despite the very tough ongoing market conditions and declining volumes, as an industry we still do have much to celebrate.

“First and foremost, in terms of its positive impact on our industry’s confidence, is something that was delivered through a united and energetic campaign with SIBA and CAMRA and many other supporters. We persuaded you to persuade the then Economic Secretary Sajid Javid to convince the Chancellor of the economic case for ending the damaging beer duty escalator. And end it he did.

“In fact, so many MPs rallied to our cause that we would like to properly recognise the part you all played in consistently supporting our industry’s cause. To do this we are planning a Beer Champions Event here in the House on January 22nd. It will be great to see you all again.

“Further, in 2013, through the fantastic support of what we can safely describe as the ever-energetic Community Pubs Minister Brandon Lewis MP we have secured a PUBS ARE GREAT campaign with Visit Britain. These posters that you see here this evening are being promoted all over the globe in key markets for inbound tourists to the UK – recognising the fact that enjoying a beer in a British pub is, of course, in the top three of all visitor experiences for tourists to the UK. It’s part of the essence of Britain.

“And within the UK the industry has also got behind the Let There Be Beer campaign, reminding British consumers about the great occasions when only a beer will do: it’s traditional, it’s cultural, it’s refreshing, it’s amazingly diverse and more often than you’d think, it’s a perfect fit.

“It feels like 2013 has been the year we have turned a really important corner. Last week’s Autumn Statement placing pubs at the heart of the Government’s new approach to business rates is further encouraging evidence of this.

“But our work is not done, and the challenging market conditions remain. It is vital we persuade you to keep to the course we have set out on in 2013. There are a number of ways, you won’t be surprised to hear, where we would welcome your continued support:

“With CAMRA and SIBA we believe there is a compelling case for a further freeze in beer duty in the 2014 Budget: both to help sustain the recovery we are beginning to see in our breweries and equally to take further pressure off our pubs, and to continue to support employment in your constituencies and in a very domestic business.

“We would like continued support for a business rates system that recognises the value of pubs in communities and on the high street

“We welcome a sensible alcohol strategy that endorses the partnership approach in the Public Health Responsibility Deal and one that promotes local voluntary partnerships – like Best Bar None, Pubwatch, Purple Flag schemes, Street Pastors and Business Improvement Districts. These are delivering results and supporting pubs and the night time economy- and represent a stronger approach than pursuing new financial or regulatory burdens on our industry. In the coming months we will continue to work with the Home Office and the new Local Alcohol Action Areas to address alcohol harm in an effective way through partnership across government, industry and other relevant parties.”