M&C Report talks to Justin Green, managing director at Natural Kitchen, about his top priority, the best advice he’s been given and who is doing something special in the industry

What is the most important action the industry can take to encourage the consumer? Keep it friendly, accessible, inclusive and fun.  

What single action could Government take that would make a difference? Reduce business rates. 

What is your top priority? Take Natural Kitchen first London-wide and then who knows where! Everyone deserves to eat well.

What has been your best investment? In our people. Without the right people you cannot grow and achieve your goals. We have some very talented and driven people. 

What has been your best business decision? There have been many I think. The landscape of our industry is ever changing. If I had to choose one it would be not selling out and chasing margin over quality. I think the latter only has one inevitable conclusion.

How much did your business change to combat the recession? Our concept really came into its own during this downturn and we met head-on the changing eating habits of our customers. What has been very obvious is that our customer recognises our quality and when money is tight they want, honesty, integrity and value for money. Simple really. I think everyone wants that in the end.     

Who is doing something special in the industry? No individual place stands out for me as there are a lot of really interesting businesses out there and it surprises me how many new ideas keep springing up.    

Most admired brand? Honestly I cannot answer that question. I like lots of things but they have to be quirky and have integrity I can feel when I am there.      

Who has been the most influential in your career? John Freeland my first ever boss who taught me so much about wine when I left school at 16 and was my spring board into restaurants. He was old fashioned in a good way and I remember those times with fondness.  

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? It was from my Grandfather and is actually rude but translated it is: Don’t make excuses, don’t blame. Make things happen. There is no room in life for if & buts! Get on with it.

