Consumers in the UK are going out more often to eat and drink than they were six months ago, however the next six months are “likely to be more challenging” as the number of outings are expected to drop, according to the latest research. The Taste of the Nation survey from Deloitte and BDRC, which questioned just under 3,000 adults during October, found that consumers were going out 12% more often than they were six months ago. Going out occasions increased from 17.5 occasions per month to 19.7. Consumers went out 1.6 times per month higher than forecast. Increases in the frequency of going out were witness across all sectors, with the largest increase in the number of outings experienced in clubs, casual dining and bars. Average spend per head increased by £0.40 (3%) overall, suggesting that consumer spending continues to be resilient. With the exception of fine dining, all sectors witnessed an increase in average spend over the last six month, with quick service up 10.9%, bars up 9%, pubs up 8.7%, coffee and sandwich chains up 5.3%, casual dining up 2.6% and clubs up 1.2%. However, if inflation is taken into account, casual dining and clubs witnessed a real decline in spend. The Midland experienced the highest increase in going out occasions, rising from 15.6 to 18.2 per month, with drink-led pub and bar occasions proving the most popular. London and the South East continue to go out the most at 20.8 times per month, but experienced the lowest increase in frequency, up only 6%. The survey also found that men continue to go out 50% more than their female counterparts, with 23.9 occasions per month compared to 15.3 for females. The research found that sentiment is likely to change over the next six months, with overall outings expected to fall by 1.4%, reflecting the “growing negativity of the population”. Slight declines in the frequency of consumers going out are expected across the majority of the sectors, with only clubs and fine dining operators expected to record a flat result during the period. All regions, apart from the London and the South East, expect to the frequency of going occasions to decline over the coming six months. The South West is the least optimistic region, expecting a 9% reduction in going out occasions.
