BII chief executive Tim Hulme announced two strategic partnerships and pledged to launch more relevant qualifications for the industry during the organisation's annual luncheon in London, writes Michelle Perrett. Hulme, who took over the new role in January, has been outspoken about the organisation which he claimed had become “elitist”. He said in his first four months he was determined to bring the BII (British Institute of Innkeeping) back to its core values as a professional body. “The previously used term of being the policeman to the industry is one of the most unhelpful I have heard," he said. “Under my stewardship the BII, as your professional body, is something that will be developmental and not judgmental. “The qualifications the BII offer must be appropriate and more importantly developed in partnership. I hear the terms lifestyle and user experienced being used and when the industry is talking of competition from coffee impacting on internal environments and the importance of superior service impacting on customer retention and loyalty then the core product the BII must change.” He said the Academy of Wine and Food Service acquired by the BII two years ago will launch a new range of hospitality products. He also announced new strategic partnerships with CPL Training and Springboard - although the details were not disclosed. Hulme revealed that the BII would be seeking the views of its members so it could respond to the Government consultation on the Statutory Code for pub companies. He said: “The fundamental reshaping of the marketplace this is likely to bring about makes the BII’s independent role through Pubs Independent Rent Review Service (PIRRS) and PICA-Service something to be supported and not viewed with suspicion as it is by some. I give you my assurance that we will continue to carry out this work with a customary sense of fairness and professionalism. “ However he also issued a challenge to the Government. “I hope that the Government's promised independent research into the impact of statutory regulation will be robust enough and within the intervening period the BII and its mediation service along with PIRRS and PICA-Service will continue to support individual members when they get into difficulties.” During the AGM held for members before the luncheon Hulme unveiled four key areas of services and benefits the organisation needs to provide to its members - pre-entry (PEAT), support of operations, continued professional development and support to licensees when in dispute. He said: “If PEAT is not fit for purpose it needs be changed because what we see are tenants and lessees getting into difficulties with landlords. I think PEAT has a role to play there. Pre-entry needs to be reviewed.” He told BII members that he has focused his first four months on ensuring the BII head office was working well. Hulme said: “I have been spending a lot of time in Camberley and it is fair to say that previous chief executives, not including Peter Thomas, haven’t really focused on Camberley and haven’t spent enough time there. As such staff have been left too much and were doing things the same old way as they had always done them. That is a dangerous problem.” He revealed that there was going to be a new structure and revealed that staffing costs and salaries at the head office were too high. During the AGM Bernard Brindley was voted in as chairman of BII for the next three years. Six industry experts were re-elected as members of the council including Stephen Brook, Mike Clist, Keith Knowles, Chris Lewis, Anthony Mears and Francis Patton.
