Delivery and takeaway sales at managed restaurant groups in January 2023 were 2% down on January 2022, according to the Hospitality at Home Tracker by CGA.

Delivery volumes in January fell by 12% as consumers reduced order frequency, but spent more as they did so.

This continues the plateauing of the ordering-in market, which has now seen year-on-year sales drop for 15 months in a row.

Delivery and takeaway sales nevertheless remain substantially ahead of pre-pandemic levels. Combined, they account for 17p in every pound spent with managed restaurant groups in January 2023.

Karl Chessell, CGA’s director - hospitality operators and food, EMEA, said: “The levelling out of delivery and takeaway sales since late 2021 has been a double-edged sword for restaurant operators. Positively, it shows that many consumers have returned to their pre-COVID-19 habits, replacing deliveries with the special experiences that only eating out can provide.

“But it also indicates that other consumers are reining in their spending as household bills continue to soar. With business costs so high as well, and third-party delivery platforms taking a large slice of sales, protecting already thin profit margins will be a challenge throughout 2023.”
