The government has postponed the announcement about the future of the energy support package, despite Chancellor Jeremy Hunt stating there would be clarity before Christmas.

Last week it was reported that ministers were close to finalising plans for a two-pronged package of support for businesses to help with energy costs all the way through next winter and into spring 2024, however Hunt has now said they will ”bring forward an appropriate package early in the new year”.

Commenting on Twitter, Kate Nicholls, chief executive, UKHospitality, said it was “disappointing news” that the government had postponed the announcement on future energy support until the New Year.

“Businesses are facing daily changing rates and contract decisions in Jan so certainty was really needed,” she said.

“We urge OFGEM to continue to keep pressure on energy suppliers to deal fairly with commercial customers and bear down on continuing poor practices and onerous terms and conditions.”

Meanwhile Shevaun Haviland, director general, British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said: “Firms deserve far better from Government than broken promises for Christmas during these incredibly difficult times. They now face an anxious and uncertain festive period, unable to plan for the New Year.”

According to a recent BCC survey almost half (47%) of UK SMEs said they will find it difficult to pay their energy bills when Government support ends.

“Without a clear plan before January, many businesses will be left vulnerable to extortionate prices at the end of March, especially SMEs and energy intensive businesses. 

“Those businesses will have no choice but to start preparing their workforce for potential redundancies, leaving employees vulnerable and weakening the economy further.”