Pret will launch a new iced drinks range in April, in what it describes as its biggest drinks innovation in more than five years.

The range will expand on its current iced coffee and tea options, replacing its current range of frappes and smoothies.

The new drinks will be available in more than 90% of its shops and included as part of Pret’s Coffee Subscription.

“We know that Pret customers are huge fans of iced coffees and drinks, so over the next few months we’ll be increasing their availability across more Pret locations with new ice machines installed across our shops,” a spokesperson for Pret said.

“We will also be replacing our current range of frappes and smoothies from April, and bringing in a bigger range of iced drinks to choose from.

“Once the changes are complete, iced drinks will be available in over 90% of Pret shops, so that even more of our customers can enjoy our full range of barista-prepared drinks.”

Pret’s UK food and coffee director Katherine Bagshawe will be taking part in a panel on menu innovation at MCA’s Food to Go Conference on 7 March, alongside Benugo and Egg Soldiers.

The panel will explore what’s inspiring the NPD of some of the biggest food to go operators, which trends are winning out, how the current cost pressures are impacting menu development and why regular menu refreshes are key to retaining loyal customers and engaging with new ones.

To find out more about the event and to book tickets, please click here.