Cyclops, the accreditation scheme for beer, has reached the milestone of working with 400 breweries.

The accreditation scheme was originally set up for cask beer and started accrediting keg beers and lagers in 2014 in response to a growing demand from breweries who wanted to use Cyclops tasting notes for all their beers.

To date the Cyclops Beer scheme has produced 2,371 tasting notes for 400 breweries, each showing at a glance what a beer looks, smells and tastes like.

Stephen Gould, managing director of Everards Brewery and chairman of the Cyclops Beer Board, said: “We’ve now accredited 400 breweries which is around one quarter of all breweries now operating in the UK; it’s a massive show of confidence in the Cyclops scheme by the beer sector.

“As well as being used in pubs and at beer festivals, the Cyclops tasting notes are used by wholesalers and as a training tool by breweries and pub companies. The demand for this to be extended to keg beers meant that it is now available to all British brewers.”