Google Search has rolled out an update that allows users to see “popular times” when seeking information about a business, such as a coffee shop or restaurant.

The section, which is based on “historical visits to this place,” provides an overview of when a location is likely to be busiest based on previous activity. Google says it has enabled the feature for millions of places and businesses around the world.

To find the info, you can search for a restaurant, store or other business to bring up its location card. Select “more about” at the bottom of the card to see the “popular times” panel. You can then swipe through the panel to see how its foot traffic is likely to vary throughout the week, hour-by hour.

The feature is available now from Google’s Android app and from searches within the Chrome and Safari apps on iOS.

Google said in a blog post: “Do you ever find yourself trying to avoid long lines or wondering when is the best time to go grocery shopping, pick up coffee or hit the gym (hint: avoid Monday after work)? You’re in luck!”