Casual dining is beset by clunky processes that risk alienating younger employees and customers, according to the managing director of TGI Friday’s in the UK.

Speaking at the Fourth conference this week, Karen Forrester, shared insights from the company’s employee engagement programme.

“Generation Y want to know the why of everything,” she said. “But they have no patience, which is a problem for casual dining, which is quite a clunky business.

“So how can we take out the clunky, cumbersome processes?” she asked.

Forester revealed that TGI will “almost certainly introduce Flypay into its bars shortly”, but added that technology is moving so fast that businesses risk having to spend money “every couple of years” to keep pace with developments.

She added that customer and employee priorities are changing quickly too. “A few years ago it was all about the green agenda - and we’ve tackled that. We were sending 90% of waste to landfill.” Now TGI sends no waste to landfill.