Five Guys, the popular US burger chain, is set to open its first site in a UK transport hub later this year in Birmingham, M&C understands.

The group, which will open its 30th UK site next month in Milton Keynes, has secured a unit at Birmingham New Street station for an opening in September.

The company, which recently opened in Duncan Street, Leeds, will also open in Sheffield Meadowhall and Putney in September, after acquiring the lease of The Swift pub in Putney from Fuller’s.

It is also believed to be in advanced talks on sites in Dundee, Liverpool, Leicester, Swansea and Watford, plus a site secured at the Watermark scheme in Southampton for next year.

The group, which recently broke through the 1,000-employee mark in the UK, is set to make its debut in Continental Europe in Paris, in the first quarter of next year.

It is set to secure a 400-cover site in the French capital.