Swim, the new format opened by The Stable founders Richard and Nikki Cooper, has launched a stand-alone commercial bakery near Bridport.

The 500 sq ft unit supplies both Swim and its sister restaurant, Rise, in West Bay, which was acquired last summer.

Richard Cooper said it was difficult to get good bread on the South Coast. “We are doing hundreds of covers every day. We use a lot of bread so we realised we had to do it ourselves.

“We will start wholesaling it but we are in no rush. The restaurants are going so well.”

Cooper said he and his colleagues were in two minds about expansion but they had “an eye” on a potential a third restaurant for next year, also on the South Coast.

“The ideal number of covers for us is 110 or 120 inside and about 60 outside.”

He said the head office could probably support three to five restaurants and the founders were there for the long haul, employing friends and family.

“We have no intention of selling [like with The Stable],” he said.
