Vivek Singh, the chief executive of Cinnamon Collection, has told M&C the group’s new owners back his plan of rolling out the Kitchen concept club across the UK and opening a series of Clubs abroad.

Singh, who is also executive head chef of the group, told M&C there were no plans to open a second Cinnamon Club in the UK but there was the potential for as many as 12 Cinnamon Kitchens across London before rolling out across the UK.

Yesterday the currently three-strong Cinnamon Collection was acquired by Harry Ramsden’s owner, Boparan Restaurant Holdings.

Singh said: “The Cinnamon Club is our flagship while the Kitchen is the one that can grow. Internationally we will look to do more Cinnamon Clubs. We have been looking at sites in New York for quite a while and there has also been interest in Boston. The first international one will probably be in one of those places.

“Our next step will be two more Cinnamon Kitchens in the M25 area and I could see us having as many as 12 in different parts of London without any danger of cannibalising our offer.

“There is certainly the potential for Kitchen to go to other cities in the UK but that’s something for later on.”

Singh said he would continue with his dual role as chief executive and head chef but that the group would be looking to strengthen the senior team to drive growth.

On innovations to the existing offer he said: “We have always been tweaking and tinkering but one thing that is certain is that we have moved away from the fixed meal times and become more of an all-day operation. That will certainly continue.”