JD Wetherspoon founder Tim Martin has warned that pub closures risk creating a “high street blight”.

Writing in Wetherspoon News, Martin said the crisis of empty shops in high streets in just another effect of the current tax regime. He pointed to the fact that most shoppers like to go for a coffee, pint or meal and that cafes, pubs and restaurants make up at least 30% of the high street.

Martin said: “Once the pubs start closing, high street blight is not far away – once again, less affluent areas are most affected. Trying to get Mary Portas to sort out this problem is political make-believe and whistling in the wind.”

Martin said it’s “economic madness” that successive governments have created a huge tax incentive to bypass pubs and high streets and to visit supermarkets.

He said the VAT Club has demonstrated that creating VAT equality between pubs and supermarkets will create around 700,000 jobs.

Martin added: “You need to look into the seeds of time to see the potentially disastrous direction of current policy. Instead of this crazy path, create jobs, fill the government coffers and enjoy a more reasonably priced pint with the lads and gals.”