JD Wetherspoon (JDW) has promised it will keep its 851 pubs and 57 hotels trading at their normal openings, despite the impact of rising energy prices.

Tim Martin, founder and chairman, JDW said he was aware of reports that some pubs are concerned they might be forced to close or only open certain hours.

“We understand the very difficult predicament that some pubs and restaurants face with hugely rising overheads including, but not only, energy costs,” he said.

“We fully respect the difficult decisions that some pubs and restaurants will have to make but Wetherspoon is committed to keeping all our pubs and hotels open for their normal hours.”

The average trading hours for its pubs are from 8am to midnight, seven days a week.

MCA spoke to a number of operators last week, including Heart with Smart, Oakman Group and New World Trading Company, about how they are faring amid the energy crisis.