Greene King, the brewer and pub operator, was the outright winner of the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers (ALMR) Operations Manager Awards held at the Brewery in the City of London yesterday. Rohan Miller from Greene King Pub Partners won the award for Business Development Manager of a Tenanted and Leased Pub Company. John Pettit from Greene King Pubco was awarded the title for the Area Manager of a Managed Estate. Tim Marsh, business development manager for Massive Pubco, the London-based managed pub group, was voted as Rising Star of 2007. John Wilson, director of on trade for InBev, who presented the awards, said: “One of the vital challenges of this industry is to prove that going into a pub is worth the extra money and effort rather than drinking at home.” The ALMR awards, which are in their 10th year, aim to highlight the importance of operations managers for the industry, which it describes as a crucial level of management that supports retail excellence and delivers corporate success, but that is consistently undervalued.