Thornbridge, the Derbyshire-based brewer and pub operator, is to open its first international bar with a site in the Netherlands.

The company is working with its Amsterdam-based importer Bier & Co and Dutch publican Paul Leeyan to set a bar in ’s-Hertogenbosch, in the south of the country.

Thornbridge@’s-Hertogenbosch is set to open on 4 September.

Simon Webster, Thornbridge’s chief operating officer, said: Iit really continues what we have been doing in the UK and on export – find and work with people who are as passionate about beer as we are and have skills that complement what we wish to do with Thornbridge beers. In Bier and Co we have an experienced importer and likewise with Paul. When we visited his current bar in ’s-Hertogenbosch, we knew our beers are in safe hands. So when he approached us to develop the Thornbridge Bar it excited us and it has been a lot of fun planning what we are sure will be a great success”.