Karen Jones has been made a dame in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list.

Jones, who this year won the Retailer’s Retailer of the Year award, was recognised after her extensive involvement helping the Government to understand and support the hospitality industry during the Covid-19 pandemic

She is currently executive chair of Prezzo, as well as chair of Hawksmoor, Mowgli and Deliveroo.

Having helped set up and float Theme Restaurants in her early 20s, she went on to launch Café Rouge. In 2002 she became CEO of Spirit Group.

She is an independent advisor to the Crown Estate, sits on Imbiba’s advisory board and chairs Frontier Pubs, a JV with Stonegate.

Jones also co-chairs the Hospitality Sector Council, a collaboration with the government to find solutions to pressing issues such as labour shortages and supply chain challenges.

In response to receiving the award, she said: “I’m deeply honoured and feel incredibly fortunate because I am keenly aware that such recognition is only possible because of unceasing work from many talented people to whom I am deeply indebted.

“Business is fascinating and hospitality is my passion: to be recognised for services to both makes me want to be better and do more. Together we will continue to build hospitality’s appeal as a sought-after sector in which to work, which provides great jobs, training and skills for the new cohort of young women and men who have come into the sector in recent times and who will be our leaders and entrepreneurs of the future.”