M&C Report talks to Andre Blais, founder and managing director of Bodean’s, about his best investment, his best business decision and the best piece of advice he’s ever received.

What is the most important action the industry can take to encourage the consumer? Value for money, great service, stunning and relaxed environment.

What single action could Government make that would make a difference? Get the banks to promote Government backed loans to stimulate small businesses and work with their credit scoring teams to lower their credentials.

What is your top priority? Ensuring that the brand is perfect before expansion and being relaxed and content with my decision making.

What has been your best investment? 15,000 acre land and farm 50 minutes south of Copenhagen Denmark for a steal!

What has been your best business decision? Taking my time with the expansion and watching my kids grow at the same time.

How much has your business changed to combat the recession? Hierarchy restructure and getting a business coach for my staff.

Who is doing something special in the industry? Cosmo restaurants. Appeals to everybody’s pallet and again value for money.

Most admired brand? For me Pret A Manger , healthy, fresh, reasonable , clean, friendly staff

Who has been the most influential in your career? My designer /friend: Quentin Reynolds of Reyco Ltd. He never sleeps until he gets it right. Nobody can work alone and he compliments my brand and ideas. I wouldn’t work with anybody else

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Andy Bassadone saying let’s make a recession proof concept.