
The Alchemist CEO Simon Potts said trade had been “fantastic” since July 19, and was bringing a return to “recognisable familiarity,” as well as the chance to improve balance sheets.

“Seeing smiles on faces has been really good,” Potts told MCA’s The Conversation, admitting that he hadn’t been prepared for how transformative an experience the wearing of masks in venues had been. “We are definitely seeing a happy consumer.”

Now that mask wearing was no longer mandatory, he said that it could be used as a “useful visual signifier”, with staff using it as a cue as to how to behave around different customer groups. 

Even before the return of unrestricted trading, due to many of the chain’s 19 venues being predominately focused on seating, trading had been close to normal capacity levels. The main difference now that Potts sees is the change in the guest experience. There is no longer the mandated greeting at the front door or the need to sign in, and guests are now able to order at the bar if they want, or can arrive in bigger groups.

He said The Alchemist was in a strong position to benefit from the current strong interest in internal tourism, high hotel occupancy rates and the wide variety of summer events that are taking place. “For the next six weeks we are just looking to take as best advantage of that as we can.”

In terms of how service might evolve now that unrestricted trading is back, Potts said: “We have the teams, the capacity and operating style to continue to offer table service, but people are also enjoying a little bit more spontaneity.”

He describes the lack of spontaneity as one of the biggest challenges the sector has had to deal with because of Covid: “it’s quite suffocating for the normal day, or night, out that people have enjoyed over the years.”

“Our venues are designed to be easy for guests to use, and finally, for the first time in 18 months, we are able to use them in the way they were designed.”