The trade body for the late-night sector, the Bar Entertainment & Dance Association (Beda), has ruled out merging with fellow trade body, the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers (ALMR), writes Paul Charity. Beda members have decided that Gordon Brown’s review of licensing means it’s important that Beda’s expertise is not lost. Executive director Paul Smith said: “Members believe wholeheartedly that Beda needs to remain a distinct and effective fighting force.” Senior members of Beda met last Thursday to discuss its options going forward. Earlier this year it was in discussions with the ALMR about a merger, with talks stalling. Last week’s meeting discussed four main options for Beda: merger with another trade body, turning itself into a political lobbying group, continuing or dissolution. The merger option is thought to be unpopular because parts of Beda regard it as a takeover by the ALMR. Some members of Beda believe it should focus on lobbying rather than the social and networking side of things. Executives at Beda have pointed out that it is more “embedded into the framework of political decision-making” and that they get invited to key political meetings with ministers, whereas the ALMR “has only been invited to peripheral forums”. Membership of Beda has been fairly stable, losing several nightclub members, including Luminar, but adding others. Smith added: “We’ve been given a clear mandate from the Beda committee, and this will form the basis of taking Beda forward as an even more effective force than we have been thus far. “We still believe there is a real opportunity in the future for all the trade bodies to work closer together – the impetus for our initial conversations with the ALMR – but Beda believes that we need to remain a useful force to tackle the many issues facing the late-night sector.” ALMR chief executive Nick Bish said: “I’m disappointed but not surprised. We look forward to working together in the future.”
