Hospitality venues in Scotland will still be restricted to a midnight curfew, and other modified restrictions, despite the country moving to level zero on 19 July.

Under the amended plans for level zero, up to 10 people can meet in a pub or restaurant, with no need to pre-book a two-hour slot, however venues will be required to close by midnight.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the mandatory use of face coverings would remain in place “for some time”.

Leon Thompson, executive director, UKHospitality Scotland, said the move to level zero was very welcome and allowed some of its members to finally reopen after many months of closure. “However, hospitality continues to trade in a very difficult environment which will not improve until all major restrictions are removed,” he said.

“Today we had hoped to hear something definite on this. Instead, businesses burdened with expensive short-term debt will continue to struggle, unable to break-even whilst ongoing and seemingly endless restrictions continue.”

Emma McClarkin, chief executive of the Scottish Beer & Pub Association, said that while it was positive progress, the decision to maintain a curfew was “hugely disappointing”, and would exacerbate the financial difficulty many hospitality businesses find themselves in.

“The sector has suffered the brunt of the restrictions for over a year now and this last-minute change is another blow to the trade. The Scottish Government must look at reversing this decision or allocate further economic support to the businesses impacted,” she said.

Some social distancing rules will also remain in place outdoors, with different groups of 15 or more required to stay at least one metre apart in public spaces.

Sturgeon said she was optimistic that Scotland would move beyond level zero from 9 August, with the majority of the remaining legal restrictions removed.